Smart landlords and property managers know that it’s much easier - and cheaper! - to prevent mould from growing rather than having to clean it off.
Mould is a major issue in many New Zealand homes, with our humid climate and poorly ventilated homes creating the ideal conditions for mould growth.
It is not only unsightly to see mould growing in living spaces, but it can also cause serious health issues for those who live there.
Bathrooms are a common place for moisture and mould to take hold.
The showers in the bathroom produce a lot of steam, causing condensation to accumulate. This can lead to mould growth if the condensation is not removed.
Mould embedded in walls and ceilings can be challenging to remove, but landlords must make sure their rentals are mould-free before renting them.
Regularly removing mould is not only a hassle, but if it sets in, infested plasterboard may need to be replaced.
By preventing mould from growing in the first place, it's much cheaper and easier!
This is why Glasshouse Property Managers recommend their landlords install Showerdome® in their rentals.
Glasshouse encourages their landlords to keep their rentals in tip-top shape and ensure their property meet healthy homes standards, which attracts quality tenants and improves investment returns.
Bathrooms in tenanted properties often present a significant challenge for property managers, but at Glasshouse Property Management, they advise landlords that installing a Showerdome® shower top can prevent a lot of problems.
With Showerdome®, dampness is effectively contained, ensuring that neighbouring rooms remain dry and paintwork unmarred.
Your tenants will enjoy the convenience of not having to remember to open windows for ventilation or wait for the area to dry out.
This innovative solution not only creates a healthier living environment for tenants but also translates into substantial cost savings for landlords due to reduced ongoing maintenance.
Invest in peace of mind and elevate the quality of your properties today!
Installing a Showerdome® in your rental couldn’t be easier.
While the option to install a Showerdome® yourself is available, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of our skilled certified installers instead.
Their expertise ensures that your Showerdome® will not only fit perfectly but also work effectively.
Your local Showerdome® installer will provide the ideal size, expertly trim it to match your shower cubicle, and carry out a professional installation that guarantees a watertight and hassle-free outcome.
Installation by one of our trained installers only takes about 90 minutes.